2022大臺北當代藝術雙年展系列|登入公海 Log Into Our Sea

展覽時間:2022.10.28(五)- 2022.12.30(五)

開放時間:週二至週日11:00 - 17:00,週一及國定假日休館




▍ 登入公海
▍ Log Into Our Sea


開  幕|2022.10.28(五)15:00 
展  期|2022.10.28(五)- 12.30(五)
時  間|11:00-17:00,週一、國定假日休館
地  點|有章藝術博物館、臺藝大藝術聚落、九單藝術實踐空間




張英海重工業:張英海 + 馬克.沃治 YOUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES: Young-hae CHANG + Marc VOGE
艾瑪.查爾斯 Emma CHARLES
陳乂 Yi CHEN

Volume DAO:
藝術家 Artists
王新仁|ileiv oivm (Aluan Wang) 
林逸文|Yi-Wen Lin 
林友達(古睖.久古)|Yu-Ta Lin
林經堯|Jinyao Lin 
莊馨怡|Hsin-I Chuang 
許雁婷|Yenting Hsu

亞歷山德拉.多馬諾維奇 Aleksandra DOMANOVIĆ
謝瀞瑩 Olifa HSIEH
黃嘉俊 Chia-Chun HUANG
迪娜・卡拉曼 Dina KARAMAN
李家祥 Chia-Hsiang LEE
李尉郎 Wei-Lang LEE
弗拉基米爾.納登 Vladimir NADEIN
卡佳.諾維茨科娃 Katja NOVITSKOVA
菲托.薩格雷拉 Fito SEGRERA
陶亞倫 Yalun TAO
Chung-Kun WANG
吳其育 Chi-Yu WU

自由之海  網站建置計畫創作團隊 "The Sea of Freedom" Web Design Team
專案負責人 Project Leader:林昱萱 Yu-Hsuan LIN
介面設計師 User Interface Designer:吳亞輿 Ya-Yu WU、黃伊綾 Yi-Ling HUANG
程式設計師 Research & Development engineer:高慶展 Ching-Chan KAO、周育賢 Yu-Hsien CHOU

倘佯於海 Wander into Our Sea
李俊逸 Chun-I LEE
潘妍希 Yen-Hsi PAN
陳柏安 Brian CHEN

教育推廣實驗計畫 The Experimental Continuing Education Project
陳彥成、陳琮皓 Yen-Chen CHEN, Tsung-Hao CHEN
林子傑 Tzu-Chieh LIN
譚天 Tien Fassbender TAN


【 展區地圖 】

登入公海  導論

2022 年大臺北當代藝術雙年展主題為《登入公海》,以此提出一份邀約,與我們1一起啟航至未知的海域。

「公海」一詞的多重意義體現了本屆雙年展的輪廓:若視之為OpenSea,則是指NFT的線上交易市場,NFT為非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Tokens),賦予數位作品獨一無二的代碼,而OpenSea這個平臺「上架」著各式各樣的商品,包含藝術創作、音樂、影像、遊戲等收藏品,為一個「去中心」的藝術發表平臺;若視之為High Seas或International water則是指國家領海以外的海域2 ,意指不屬於任何主權管轄範圍,為一個開放給眾人的共有之境。如此的想像,便是《登入公海》希冀帶給所有參與者的體驗 – 一個共享藝術的自由氛圍。 

若要「登入」如此的「海洋世界」,首先需要輸入「使用者名稱」(User ID),即是透過一組辨識碼進入無邊無際的空間,可能是虛擬的數位空間,抑或是真實的展呈空間,甚至是虛實交織的想像空間。所有的使用者(user),在「公海」中將會遇見不同的人,諸如策展人、藝術家、藝評家、導覽員、學者、研究員、藝術大學師長、學生、觀眾等藝術世界中的眾多角色,他們將除去身份固有的定義,化為中性的「用戶名」,也因其去身份化的特色,使藝術的詮釋不再掌握於特定的人手中,登入者即享有「解密」或「加密」藝術的自由,面對藝術作品能夠加以解讀、拆解,或者賦予新的意義,甚至持有截然相異的觀點。




自由之海 – 虛擬藝術博物館



倘佯於海 – AR擴增實境APP



推廣教育實驗計畫 – 當代藝術X肢體表演X兒童藝術

「推廣教育實驗計畫」由藝博館主導,針對雙年展特別設計第一屆藝術教育計畫,以當代藝術、肢體表演、兒童藝術三者跨界加成為實驗,透過三件創作計畫:狗知道自己正在上鏡頭嗎、CHECK IT ! CHECK IT ! 2022、一分鐘默劇,搭建藝術作品與觀眾的橋樑,消弭當代藝術難以閱讀的設想,延續近年來藝博館關注的公共性(publicity)任務,除了接待一般大眾外,更致力於將雙年展推廣予兒少以及親子觀眾,開啟博物館/美術館與不同觀眾群交流的機會。


[1] 有章藝術博物館的英文名稱為Our Museum,並與雙年展主題英譯Log Into Our Sea中的Our相互指涉,意指一份登入「藝博館(我們的)海洋」之邀。
根據1958年《公海公約》(Convention on the High Seas),公海指不包括在一國領海或內水內的全部海域。



Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art
Log Into Our Sea


"Log Into Our Sea" is the theme of Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art 2022 ("the Biennial"). With such concept, we aim to invite viewers to sail towards the unknown Gong-hai with us in Our Museum[1].

The phrase Gong-hai, or "Our Sea", in the title of this year’s biennial, has multiple meanings: On one hand, the phrase can be used to refer to the non-fungible token marketplace, OpenSea, where certificates are assigned to digital works in the form of NFT. A wide variety of works are "uploaded" to such a "decentralised" platform, including but not limited to artworks, music, images, games and other collectibles. The phrase, on the other hand, can also refer to the high seas or international waters, which means waters that are "open to all nations," and "no State may validly purport to subject any part of them to its sovereignty".[2] The varied concepts derived from Gong-hai are what the Biennial aims to manifest for its viewers as the phrase creates an environment that allows viewers freely enjoy the artworks.

To "log into" such "sea", one needs to first input their "user ID". It is a code granting access to the infinite world that might appear to be a virtual place, a physical exhibition venue, or an imagined hybrid space. Users will meet different people in "Our Sea", such as curators, artists, art critics, museum guides, scholars, researchers, faculty and students of the University and viewers, while everyone is given a neutral username to remove the connotation of their identity and therefore democratise how art is interpreted. When users log into this world, they can enjoy the freedom to "decrypt" and "encrypt" at their will. They can interpret artworks in their own ways, give new meanings to these works, or even hold opposite views to the artists.

Sailing in "Our Sea", viewers will meet 28 artists coming from Taiwan, the United Kingdom, Germany, South Korea, the United States, Colombia and Estonia, as well as artists in exile who are from Russia and the NFT team formed by artists, collectors and researchers. Viewers can "stop by" three different venues (Our Museum, NTUA Art Village and 9 Art Space) to appreciate different formats of art, such as videos, documentaries, installations and interactive devices. In the Biennial, the exhibiting works focus on the use of new media and technologies and these works also intend to remind viewers something – While we are enjoying the convenience brought by new technologies, we need to also pay attention to related controversies and crises that may appear.

"Log Into Our Sea" demonstrates the diversity of art, creating an infinite multiverse where users can travel around in its different dimensions and enjoy themselves in the sea of art once they input a string of characters and press the "enter" key to log in.


The Sea of Freedom: A Virtual Art Museum

The Sea of Freedom is a website project that depicts the images of the Biennial and those of the (art) museum. This project embeds moving and static visual creations related to Our Museum through an immersive design. By simply gliding their fingers on a screen, visitors can enter a virtual art museum, click to view the orderless three-dimensional objects and browse for more possibilities outside the Biennial.


Wander into Our Sea: An Augmented Reality (AR) App

Wake your phone up and "log into" the Biennial to "wander into our sea". The project integrates the five centeres of Our Museum: the Historic Object Conservation Research Center, the Innovation Center for Art and Technology, the Center for Sound Art and Acoustics Research, the Center for Physical Arts Experimentation and the Research Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage. Through environment-tracking AR technology built in the smartphone app, visitors can explore the tasks and findings of each center and freely wander in the physical exhibition venues with the help of the app. By interacting with the exhibition venues with the swipe of their fingers, visitors will be enjoying a participatory viewing experience during their visits.


The Experimental Continuing Education Project - Contemporary Art X Performance X Children's Art

Led by Our Museum, the "Experimental Continuing Education Project" is the first of its kind which is especially planned for the Biennial. The project is an experiment that combines contemporary art, performance and children's art. Through three creative projects which include Does the Dog Know that It's On the Camera?, CHECK IT! CHECK IT! 2022 and One-minute Pantomime, the experimental project aims to build a bridge between artwork and audiences and dispel the assumption that contemporary art is difficult to understand. It is part of the museum's continued efforts on publicity which it has been focusing on for years. In addition to welcoming the general public, the Biennial is also dedicated to promoting the exhibit to children and family visitors, opening up opportunities for Our Museum to interact with different visitor groups.


[1] The name of the exhibition venue is "Our Museum", which has an intertextuality with the phrase "Our Sea" in the title of this year's biennial. Together, they present an invitation for viewers to "Log Into Our Sea".

[2] According to Convention on the High Seas published in 1958: "The term 'high seas' means all parts of the sea that are not included in the territorial sea or in the internal waters of a State."