

2020 臺藝大駐村藝術家徵選

2020 NTUA Art Residency Program 臺藝大駐村藝術家徵選公告


National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA) insists to stay open to art and nourish the local talents. It has been devoting its effort to art theories and artistic practices, managing to connect with local and international art societies over the years. In compliance with its educational aims, NTUA initiates this Art Residency Programme (the Programme) to support young artists and help them deal with the transition from school life to professional career. The Programme is open to young artists and expects to inspire innovation in the making of art and promote the exchange of ideas across different disciplines.NTUA focuses on openness in the art world and aims to offer young artists space to work, develop their artworks and artist statement, and connect with local and international art societies, so it opens its artist studios to young artists and supports them in terms of the production, presentation, and promotion of their works. NTUA expects to create a nourishing field for innovation by surrounding these young artists with its artistic vibes.


▶申請與徵選Application and Selection


一、申請資格與對象Who can apply?

1. 年滿 20 歲之國內外青年藝術家,國籍不限,僅供個人申請

Domestic or international artists aged more than 20. The application only opens to individual artists

2. 同一人至多申請兩次為限。每次經審查入選始獲進駐資格

The Artist is only allowed to apply for the Programme twice, and will be qualified to move in when their names are shortlisted.

3. 申請對象以從事藝術創作之青年藝術家為主,但不包含全職工作者。為扶植年輕創作者,將優先錄取青年藝術家。

The application mainly opens to young artists without a full-time job. To nourish emerging artists, the Programme will prioritise the application submitted by young artists.

4. 創作類別不限。

Any forms of art are welcome.


二、申請文件Required application materials

1.申請表Application form

本校 109 年度藝術家駐村藝術家申請表(附件一)。需於申請表填寫歷年創作資料 3-5 件圖片(多媒體及表演藝術類別之作品每件附上3分鐘以內之影音檔),並按作品總表編號。

NTUA Art Residency Program Application Form (Attachment 1) Submit 3-5 photos of your works. (For multi-media works or performance, submit a video less than 3 minutes in length.) Rename the files based on the artwork list.

2.聲明書Declaration Form


The applicant shall declare that they are not employed as a full-time staff in any companies.

3.其他有利審查之參考資料 (第二次申請駐村者可提出前一年度駐村之成果作為加分項目)。

Other documentation that supports your application. (For those who participated in the Programme in the previous year, you can include the achievement you’ve made during the residency as a supporting document.)




電話:(02)2272-2181 分機 2454王小姐、1429林先生

Executive Team: Education Promotion Section, Yo-Chang Art Museum, NTUA

Contact number: +886 (0)2 2272 2181#2454 Ms Wang or #1429 Mr Lin)


Application period: 15 June 2020 to 17 July 2020


Application channel: Online application. Fill in the application form and send it to our mailbox along with other requested documents within the application period.

4.收件信箱:ntuamuseumedu@gmail.com 信件標題【2020臺藝大駐村藝術家徵選】並註明申請者名稱

Contact email: ntuamuseumedu@gmail.com Please title your mail as “2020 NTUA Open Call for Artist-in-Residence (your name)”


Please make a call to the Executive Team to make sure we receive your application. For all those fail to submit the requested documents or meet the requirement, we will not be able to process your application.


The sign of the application form please sign in person (or scan the signature electronic file into the form) Do not use a computer to type.




Open call for artists. The application will be reviewed by art professionals recruited by the Museum.


The Programme only accepts individual applicants. There will be several shortlisted candidates and a few on the waitlist.


First round: The executives will examine the documentation to see if the applicants meet the basic requirement and if they provide sufficient documentation for further review.

4.複審:聘請專家學者 5-7 名進行複審,審查項目與比重分配如下:

Second round: The Museum will recruit 5-7 art professionals to join the jury and review the applications. The items to review and their weights are:

(1) 駐村計劃書 30%Art residency plan 30%


(2) 歷年創作資料 40% Artwork list 40%

(3) 特殊表現及榮譽事蹟 30% Achievement 30%


     Details of your critical achievement in terms of awards, exhibitions, performances, other grants and subsidiaries and the finished work.




There will be several artists shortlisted for the Programme. The outcome will be published on the Museum’s and NTUA’s websites. The applicants will receive a written notice as well.


▶進駐方式About the Residency


   Duration: One year after the contract is signed.

2.進駐地點:本校文化創意產學園區 D 區 2 樓空間。

   Location: Section D, 2F, Cultural and Creative Industry Park (the Park), NTUA.


   During the residency, the Artist shall open their studios, present their works, and contribute to associated forums and other forms of presentation in compliance with NTUA’s plans.

4.本校提供藝術家工作室空間,惟藝術家每月應支付基本水電費用新臺幣 1,000 元,使用 220 伏特電力另行計價付費。

   NTUA will offer each artist a studio and the Artist is subject to pay TW$1000 per month for water and electricity use. Extra charge will be involved for the use of 220V power.



1. 駐村考核(期中):由駐村藝術家開放工作室並簡介。考評結果將列為次年再度申請者初選之評分參考。

 Mid-term evaluation: The Artist shall open their studios and briefly introduce their art plans to the committee. The result will affect their future application in the first round.

2. 駐村發表(期末):由主辦單位統籌成果發表之形式,與駐村藝術家共同策畫展覽主題,辦理成果展時間依當年度規劃訂定。相關創作與作品費用由駐村藝術家自行負擔。

Final presentation: The Museum will organise events to publish the finished works and work with the Artist to curate the exhibition. The exhibition date is subject to the schedule of the year. The Artist is responsible for providing the materials of their artworks; the Programme does not cover the artist and artwork fees.


Final report: The Artist shall submit the report in both soft and hard copies to conclude their achievement in the Programme one month prior to the end date of the Programme.



1.簽約進駐Signing the contract and moving in

獲選駐村藝術家應於結果公告日起 10 日內至主辦單位簽署進駐同意書,未於期限內簽具完成者視同棄權,其資格由備取者遞補之。

The shortlisted artists are obliged to sign the contract within ten days following the release of the outcome. For those who fail to sign the contract by the deadline, their opportunities will be cancelled and given to the next candidate in the waitlist.

2.外籍人士Foreign artist


For foreign artists, they should arrange their own visas and visa extensions.

3.費用繳交Payment due



The Artist shall pay the deposit of TW$6,000 within ten days after signing the contract. The deposit will be returned to the Artist once they fulfil the agreement and the studio is returned to the Office in its original condition.

(2)水電費Water and electricity bills


TW$1,000 per month. The Artist shall make the payment for the year (from the month the residency begins to December of the year) within ten days after signing the contract, and make the second payment for the next year before the 10th of January of the next year. If the contract is terminated under special conditions, a proportionate rate of payment for the bills will be returned to the Artist.

(3)特殊用電費(220伏特電費) Electricity bills (for 220V power)


Extra charge will be involved for the use of 220V power based on the stats recorded by the calculator. The payment shall be made every three-month upon the notification made by the Office.

4.押金扣除之情形:Deduction of deposit happens when:


The contract is due but the payment has not been cleared.


The contract is due but the studio has not been returned to its original condition.


Large-sized garbage had been left behind in the Park during the residency.


Personal belongings had been left outside the studio during the residency.


The Office figured that the studio is subject to repair because of improper use, such as the rewiring of the electrical circuits, damaged walls, damaged structure, or ruins in the ground, during the residency or after the contract is due,


進駐者須遵守「國立臺灣藝術大學駐村藝術家審查作業暨管理要點」、「國立臺灣藝術大學文化創意產學園區駐村藝術家 管理注意事項」及合約之規定,並配合園區內相關措施。

The Artist shall be obliged by “The Rules for the Selection and Management of the Art Residency Programme”, “NTUA Artist Residency Program 2020: Registration Terms for the Artists”, and the terms and conditions stated in the contract, and participate in associated engagement.


▶進駐藝術家之權利與義務Rights and Responsibilities


The Artist shall sign the contract with NTUA and move in to the studio according to the dates listed in the contract. If there are any accidents that intercept the artist’s participation in the Programme, the opportunity will be cancelled and given to the next candidate in the waitlist, unless NTUA and the Artist can reach a new agreement in compliance with the terms and conditions.


For any proposed leaves prior to the end date, the Artist shall inform NTUA and receive NTUA’s approval before they can leave.


The Artist shall be obliged by the related regulations and is not allowed to re-wire electrical circuits and change the distribution of power during the residency.


During the residency, the Artist shall collaborate with the Museum and give back at least one event to the Museum to reinforce the connection between NTUA and the neighbourhood.


The Artist shall cooperate with the Office in associated evaluation, presentation and finalisation.


The copyright of the artworks the Artist made during the residency belongs to the Artist, but NTUA reserves the rights to exhibit, showcase, and publish the works. The Artist shall donate one of their works created during the residency to the Museum, and the work for donation shall be agreed by the Artist and the Museum.


During the residency, the Artist shall not make irreversible renovation to the studio. When the Programme is due to complete, or when the Artist decides to move out prior to the end date, the Artist shall return the studio clean and tidy. The deposit will be returned to the Artist once the studio is returned to the Office in its original condition.


The Artist shall take full responsibilities to keep their personal belongings safe and maintain the studio clean.


The Artist shall be obliged by NTUA’s and the Park’s regulations.


▶提前終止合約Termination of the Contract Prior to the End Date of the Programme

如有下列事項,將提前終止合約:The contract will be terminated prior to the end date if:


The Artist does not comply with the terms stated in this announcement.


The Artist constantly violates the registration terms even after they receive the Office’s warnings during the residency.


The Artist is involved in copyright infringement when they are creating their works or carrying out their projects.


The Artist damages NTUA’s reputation during the residency. The Artist shall be obliged by the Park’s regulations; if this is not the case, and NTUA has to bear a joint liability for the compensation for the loss resulting from the Artist’s behaviours, the Artist shall fully compensate NTUA.


The deposit is not paid according to the terms in the contract, and the Artist still fails to pay the amount due even after the second warning. In this case, the Office will lock up the key card. If the Artist still fails to pay the amount due two weeks after they receive the Office’s warning, the Artist will be disqualified for the Programme.


The Artist gets a full-time job during the residency. In this case, they shall inform the Office and move out from the studio within one month.



公告簡章及申請表下載 Application Form Download